Generals zero hour full version
Generals zero hour full version

generals zero hour full version

However, the difficulty of these added game mods is something almost entirely out of your reach. Aside from improving the base game with new missions, units, buildings, and technologies, it allows you to test your skills against AI-controlled opponents as well as real-world players. Its all-new story elements, told through the new campaigns, make C&C: Generals Zero Hour essential for any Command and Conquer player. You can fight cheaters, extremely experienced players, or simply Zerg Rushers in C&C. There is no matchmaking scheme so there’s no telling who you’ll be fighting against. While local games of up to 8 players are fun with friends, playing with strangers online is a different matter entirely. Prepare to unleash the absolute latest in modern weapons technology against the worlds most powerful Generals in Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. Lastly, this expansion introduces online play, either through LAN or through the internet. Be warned though: the final “boss” is a General that utilizes technologies from all factions.

generals zero hour full version

This is a crossover between campaign and skirmish, giving you a series of increasingly difficult and self-contained battles with AI-controlled players. One of these modes is the Generals’ Challenge, where you take on the mantle of a General and battle other contenders. You can also check out new gameplay modes not available in the original.

generals zero hour full version

Not only are there new missions to play, but it reintroduces a feature not available in the base game: live-action cutscenes where mission briefs are handed to the player. The executables will be replaced with original Generals and Zero Hour executables with full support for mods and command-line-parameters, but with the CD-check. You get to complete additional story-driven tasks for the USA, the Global Liberation Army, and China - in the same order. The main feature of C&C: Generals Zero Hour is its three new campaigns, each having five missions.

Generals zero hour full version